Garage Door New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions have a long and distinguished history. Some two-thousand years ago the Babylonians set the pace by promising their gods that all borrowed items would be returned and debts paid in full. It was a good start. Not to be thought any less of, the Romans made similar promises to their god Janus. […]
Garage Door Jots & Tittles a.k.a. Thingys

Curiouser & Curiouser! Your garage door has curious bits and pieces that might leave you wondering and asking yourself, “What the heck is that for, anyway?” After twenty-five years in the garage door industry, customers still surprise me by pointing out these puzzling singularities-often seemingly useless “thingys”. And I keep relearning that what’s obvious to […]
Are All Garage Door Companies the Same?

When you need a garage door installed or repaired, does it really matter who you call? Are there really any differences between the different garage door companies you see advertising for your business? To the outsider, there probably aren’t. Most people don’t ever think about garage doors at all, unless theirs stops working suddenly. Then […]